
elementary elephant

…from my classroom to yours!


lesson plans

15 Minute Phonics-1

Each week, I introduce a new phonics skill. These are review of 1st-2nd grade skills that my students never mastered and I’m teaching these skills as a form of intervention. My goal is to increase their reading fluency and to master their phonics skills!

Here are some of the first few skills that I introduce….

Long A/Short A

Vowel Teams–Ai/Ay words

Social Emotional Anchor Charts: Response to Feelings

Coronovirus and Special Education!

Photo by cottonbro on

The Coronavirus pandemic is turned us all upside down, right? In my self-learning time at home, I came across some vital information and would like to share it with you.

First, is from the United States Department of Education. You can find this information at:

Here is what the federal government has determined, based on current federal guidelines around IDEA (individuals with disabilities education act) and FAPE (free and appropriate public education). This information was posted on their site on March 21, 2020:

Supple Fact Sheet 3.21.20 FINAL 

I also wanted to share my daily plan sheet that I have sent to my students and that I am using with my own students…

Daily Plan 

One last item I’d like to share is the brief article, “Talking with Your Children About Coronovirus” … there to see this great article by the CDC…

Phonics Curriculum!!!!

Here you can find visuals for small group lessons, activities and games. These are interactive for children to sort and sound out words based on the phonics pattern.

PHONICS Assessment K-1-2-3 and RTI by Elementary Education Curriculum by ELEMENTARY ELEPHANT on Teachers Pay Teachers

phonics assess picture

I Can Build A Gingerbread House!

gingerbread house picuture

Gingerbread house making is so much fun, for my younger and older children and me as well! We have made those houses and trains from the kits, but these homeade gingerbread houses are the best and …

Source: I Can Build A Gingerbread House!

Pre-K Plans Please!!!

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You have found the one stop spot for Pre-K Lesson Plans! Just click here and it will take you to the top of my page

This is where you will find all my Pre-K Lesson plans.

Here is a little preview:  

Enjoy these plans! Let me know what you think!


All Things Kindergarten!


Click the link below and it will take you to my Kindergarten Lesson plan bundles. They are arranged in 1 month bundles. Also, I have one full week for FREE! Enjoy!!!!!!

Click here! – It takes you to the Kindergarten tab at the top of this page

I would love your feedback on my new website. I’ve been blessed to teach various grade levels in elementary school, as well as special education. So, as I teach and also modify or accommodate the curriculum, I will add them to the appropriate grade levels.

Follow along and grow with me! Happy teaching and learning!




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